Solution to sweep coal dust and wood chips in seaports

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ALARM: Research by the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration shows that waterway ports across the country are increasingly having serious and bad impacts on the environment. Meanwhile, the treatment of environmental pollution is in fact being overlooked, affecting the health of workers and leaving long-term consequences for transportation activities and the living environment.

According to statistics from the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration, there are nearly 7,000 inland waterway ports and wharves nationwide, but there are only over 100 ports, divided into 3 main groups: focal ports, local main ports and groups dedicated port.
It is worth mentioning that most of the major ports (such as Hanoi, Viet Tri, Nam Dinh, Dap Cau, Thu Duc ports...) have asynchronous infrastructure and equipment, so they are all in an alert state. environmental pollution action.
Environmental pollution is mainly concentrated in the form of dust on the way in and out, at the cargo yards and inside the port, on the means of entry and exit. Other forms of pollution are goods spilled into the river during loading and unloading, cargo hold cleaning, and rainwater drifting down without going through the filtration system.
The main pollutants are coal, iron ore, construction materials, chemicals, pulp, clinker and some other chemicals in powder form such as sulfur, sodium, which are handled by cranes and scattered quite large. are dumped directly into the river... Along with that is the waste of boats, including domestic waste, waste for cleaning machinery, cleaning rags...

Bụi than, Clinker, dăm gỗ

Dust cleaning solution for campus and port grounds.

Due to the characteristics of dirt, which are Coal, limestone dust, clinker, wood chips... characteristics of gripping the road when it rains, dust when it is sunny and windy. Therefore, conventional vacuum cleaner equipment will not be able to handle this situation, but the investment cost of vacuum cleaner equipment is not low. The average price is 1.2 - 3 billion (belonging to G7 group). Not to mention the cost of wear and tear, and frequent failure of the dust filter when operating with fine materials such as clinker, coal ..

Solution using BOBCAT dust collector.

Xe bobcat gắn hệ thống chổi quét (153cm)

Bobcat is a versatile device that can be used for many different purposes thanks to its quick-release system with many application accessories such as dustpan, bucket bucket, fork lifter, gutter drill...
- With compact design, Bobcat is chosen for construction sites, factories, shipping ports...
- Multi-function: Bobcat can be used with many different applications to do many jobs on the same base vehicle. Thus saving investment costs for users.
Sweep the surface of the seaport/river.
With the working width of the dusting brush from 153 - 213cm, the bucket capacity is from 0.4 - 0.6m3. Mounted on Bobcat base vehicle (
Working capacity is from 15,000 - 20,000 m2/hour, equivalent to 40-50 workers.

Bề rộng làm việc từ 153 - 213cm
Công suất tương đương 50 công nhân

With the ability to remove surface stains, it is possible to collect large and heavy materials such as coal, wood chips...


The dusting brush system uses HDPP plastic combined with a 0.5m3 container. There is absolutely no dust filtration system, so there is no need for maintenance, replacement, or breakdown

Hệ thống chổi nhựa + thùng chứa vật liệu

Consumables, replacements
Like other suction sweeping devices, Bobcat brooms will have to be replaced periodically according to the specified number of working hours, ie until the brush is worn out 3-5cm.. On average 8 hours/day, 1 month to change once a month. .

Vòng chổi nhựa PP kết hợp thép chống mài mòn

After a period of testing and practical work at a number of projects, seaports... Bobcat has proven effective when used

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2nd function:
In addition to dusting the ground, Bobcat can attach a 0.5m3 dump truck to drop into the bunker to collect coal during loading and unloading when the coal ship arrives.
Due to the weight of the vehicle from 2-3 tons, it is easy to drop it on the ship to collect materials

Trọng lượng xe 2 - 3 Tấn
Tăng năng suất làm việc


In addition, the user can use the fork to lift small packages

Sức nâng từ 600 - 1200kg

Through the above article, I hope to provide solutions to overcome the pollution occurring at seaports, river ports, construction works, warehouses...

For any support information, please contact HOTLINE 0914 555 247 or contact the VP of Dong Loi Equipment & Service Joint Stock Company

HO: No. 22, Street 53B, Thanh My Loi Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Tel: 028 7109 8247

Branch: Lot 6-2, B2-B3, Quang Minh Industrial Park, Me Linh, Hanoi, Tel: 024 3951 0129

Branch: 28 Chambers Street, Henley Beach, 5022, Adelaide, South Australia